Update from the ULCPCB™

CNLCP Resources
Professional Testing Corporation Press Release-Certified Health Professional Life Care Planner (CHLCP™) Certification
Published on November 5, 2023

New York, NY-10/16/2023- The Universal Life Care Planner Certification Board has chosen Professional Testing Corporation (PTC) to support the administration of its newly released Portfolio Examination for the Certified Health Professional Life Care Planner (CHLCP™) credential.  The Certification Board will be utilizing PTC’s exam delivery products and services, including application processing, candidate communications, scoring, psychometrics and preparation of post-administration reports.

“Certification through Portfolio Examination is designed to objectively assess the Candidate’s ability to apply their specialized knowledge, understanding, and expertise in professional practice through review of an industry-relevant case scenario and arrival at supportable recommendations and a credible report.  PTC brings a long history of proven expertise to the delivery and scoring of our Certified Nurse Life Care Planner (CNLCP®) credential.  We look forward to continuing our relationship with PTC as we expand our credentialing opportunities with the Certified Health Professional Life Care Planner (CHLCP™) credential,” said the Universal Life Care Planner Certification Board.

PTC’s experience with performance or skills-based exams, such as portfolios, as well as integrated processes for handling candidate applications and scoring, reflect best practices in the industry.

“We are excited to work with the Universal Life Care Planner Certification Board on their new endeavor,” said Vicki Gremelsbacker, President of PTC. “We are confident that PTC’s expertise and services will prove to be an asset to the CHLCP™ portfolio program.”


About Professional Testing Corporation
Professional Testing Corporation (PTC) is an established global leader in testing and assessment services. Founded in 1983, PTC provides a full range of certification and licensure services including job analyses, test development, test administration, accreditation and psychometric consulting, statistics and scoring, survey development and processing, and association/board management services. www.ptcny.com

About Universal Life Care Planner Certification Board

The Universal Life Care Planner Certification Board, formerly the Certified Nurse Life Care Planner Certification Board, incorporated in 2009 as a non-profit entity, comprised of one public member with an interest in the field and up to eight Directors specializing in life care planning who have earned the designation of Certified Health Professional Life Care Planner (CHLCP™) and/or Certified Nurse Life Care Planner (CNLCP®).  This oversight includes, but is not limited to, certification and recertification standards for the CHLCP™ and CNLCP® credentials. www.ulcpcb.org

Media Contact:

Vicki Gremelsbacker
Professional Testing Corporation

(212) 356-0683