
Universal Life Care Planner Certification Board


Please review our resources for additional information on life care planning education, certification, recertification, and professional membership.  

Life Care Planning Education

Are you looking for life care planning education providers? We have provided a list to help you get started.


Have questions? We have answers. Please see them below, or feel free to contact us. We’ll be glad to help you.


Professional development, support, and networking for ALL life care planners. 

PLEASE NOTE: Regarding Examination Preparation Products


      1. Using practice examinations and/or examination preparation materials does not imply successful performance on the CNLCP® and/or CHLCP™ exam.
      2. The Universal Life Care Planner Certification Board has no association with vendors of examination preparation products and does not endorse those products. Any claims to knowledge of the CNLCP® and/or CHLCP™ exam contents are false. A vendor’s use of the Universal Life Care Planner Certification Board’s registered mark (CNLCP®) does not indicate endorsement of its products.
      3. Using practice examinations and/or examination preparation materials does not give an advantage over candidates who do not choose to use them.
      4. The use of practice examinations and/or examination preparation materials is not the only or preferred route to adequate preparation for the CNLCP® and/or CHLCP™ certification exam.

    Are you ready to expand your professional career?

    Contact the Universal Life Care Planner Certification Board for more information!