Click here to access a printable appeals form (download), or submit your request by completing the online form below.
The appeal must be made in writing via certified letter/US Postal Service, fax, or online form submission, to the Universal Life Care Planner Certification Board within 30 days of notification of ineligibility. The appeal should include a written explanation of the grounds for the appeal as well as any supporting documentation relevant to the challenge.
The Universal Life Care Planner Certification Board will respond in writing within 60 days of receipt of the appeal in one of the following formats: US Postal Service, fax, or email: and will include a contact name and number for a Member of the Universal Life Care Planner Certification Board. The decision of the Certification Board is final.
Examination Appeals
Candidates with reason to believe that a discrepancy exists in the scoring and reporting of their test results may appeal within 30 days of notification of their scores via certified letter/US Postal Service, Fax, or online appeals form to the Universal Life Care Planner Certification Board. The letter must have supportive documentation supporting the appeal.
The Universal Life Care Planner Certification Board will respond, in writing, within 60 days of the receipt of the appeal request along with any substantiating documentation. The decision of the Certification Board is final.
Contact Address
Universal Life Care Planner Certification Board Chair
465 N. Halstead St. Suite 120
Pasadena, CA 91107
Tele: (626) 351-0991 Ext. 216
Fax: (626) 351-0992