Education Resources for the

CHLCP™ Portfolio Examination/Q&A

Certified Health Professional Life Care Planner (CHLCP™)

Education Resources

Certification through the Certified Health Professional Life Care Planner (CHLCP™) Portfolio Examination is designed to assess the Candidate’s specialized knowledge, understanding, and expertise in professional practice through application of the life care planning process to an industry-relevant case scenario.

Licensed healthcare professionals should consider life care plan core programs that include the life care planning process, as well as the core areas of knowledge and assessment as outlined in the CHLCP™ Handbook (click here) as prepared by the Universal Life Care Planner Certification Board.

The areas of knowledge include the life care planning process, injury/illness processes, life care plan construction, and cost research.  Areas of assessment include life care plan construction and cost research.

There must be a minimum of 10 hours specific to a basic orientation, methodology, and standards of practice relevant to life care planning process/principles contained within the continuing education curriculum.

The Universal Life Care Planner Certification Board does not endorse any one program.

The following entities offer Life Care Planning programs for registered nurses and/or other health professional disciplines.

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What if I missed the deadline for CHLCP™ recertification?

You have an extension of up to thirty (30) days after your deadline for renewal to complete and submit the required criteria for the application. A late fee will be added in addition to the application fee.

What if I missed the additional 30-day late extension for CHLCP™ recertification?

If you missed the additional 30-day late extension, you can no longer utilize the CHLCP™ designation and must submit to retesting at the full testing fee.

If I have to retest for the CHLCP™ certification, do I need to submit a redacted Life Care Plan sample?

No.  You need to reapply for the CHLCP™ portfolio examination.

What if I come up short for the required 60 hours of Continuing Education (CE) credits related to life care planning at the time of my recertification renewal?

If you are short of the required sixty (60) hours of CE required every five years at the time of your recertification renewal, you will have to retest.

How can I earn additional CE credits if my certification is about to expire and there are no conferences for CEU offered before it expires?

You may wish to explore online courses or on-demand webinars through AANLCP ( Alternatively, please contact us to see if we have a project you can assist us with that will provide points of credit toward your CHLCP™ certification renewal.  Please email our Secretary at


What are my options if I am out of country serving on active duty military status?

If you are unable to re-certify in a timely manner due to being on active duty military status, the Universal Life Care Planner Certification Board will review your circumstances for a deferred application in consideration of your obligation and fulfillment of your military duty assignment.

Assuming that as a nurse your license remains in good standing and that you have completed the necessary recertification requirements, your late recertification may be accepted if the reason is due to your active duty military status.

Requirements would include: unrestricted nursing license, completion of 60 CE credits with substantiating documentation, recertification application completed, and payment of application fees. No retesting will be required and the late fee will be waived if all above requirements per the CHLCP® recertification process is met.

Documents supporting your circumstances and your military orders must accompany any request for consideration of late recertification.

Where can I find a life care planning educational program in preparation for the CHLCP™ examination?

The following entities offer Life Care Planning core programs:  FIG Education and Kelynco.  Please note this list may not be complete.

There must be a minimum of ten (10) hours specific to a basic orientation, methodology, and standards of practice relevant to life care planning process/principles contained within the continuing education curriculum.

Disclaimer: The Universal Life Care Planner Certification Board does not certify or recommend any specific life care planning course.

What continuing education courses meet the criteria for continuing education hours for CHLCP™ recertification?

Continuing education courses related to the specialty of life care planning would meet the continuing education criteria to renew the Certified Health Professional Life Care Planner (CHLCP™) certification.

Examples of courses that would be approved include, but are not limited to: Life care planning relevant to spinal cord injury, traumatic and acquired brain injury, prosthetics, amputations, burns, chronic pain, case management, nursing process, etc.  Questions regarding the applicability of a particular course can be resolved through submission of the course and outlines to the Universal Life Care Planner Certification Board for review/approval of contact hours 90 days before the application renewal deadline.

Sixty (60) continuing education hours are required for CHLCP™ recertification every five years.


Would Medicare-Set Aside courses be applicable to continuing education for CHLCP™ recertification?

Medicare Set-Aside and Medicare Secondary Payer courses have presented life care planning content within their programs; however, the Universal Life Care Planner Certification Board will need to review the topics and content to determine that they meet the pre-described and required course requirements for continuing education.

Who do I contact to obtain my certification number and/or notify with my change of name/change of contact information?

Please contact both the Universal Life Care Planner Certification Board ( and PTCY ( for name/address changes. Certificate numbers can be obtained through the Universal Life Care Planner Certification Board.

Do I have to take a practice test in order to qualify to take the CHLCP™ Portfolio Exam?

No practice test is necessary to qualify for the CHLCP™ Certification portfolio exam.

Do I need to complete a "live" (virtual or in-person) course/component of a life care planning course?

No, the Universal Life Care Planner Certification Board does not require this.

PLEASE NOTE: Regarding Examination Preparation Products

  1. The Universal Life Care Planner Certification Board does not offer a practice test for the CHLCP™ portfolio examination, nor is it necessary for eligibility.
  2. Using practice examinations and/or examination preparation materials does not imply successful performance on the CHLCP™ portfolio examination.
  3. The Universal Life Care Planner Certification Board has no association with vendors of examination preparation products and does not endorse those products. Any claims to knowledge of the CHLCP™ portfolio examination contents are false. A vendor’s use of the Universal Life Care Planner Certification Board mark (CHLCP™) does not indicate endorsement of its products by the Universal Life Care Planner Certification Board.
  4. Using practice examinations and/or examination preparation materials does not give an advantage over candidates who do not choose to use them.
  5. The use of practice examinations and/or examination preparation materials is not the only or preferred route to adequate preparation for the CHLCP™ portfolio examination.


The Universal Life Care Planner Certification Board does not certify nor endorse any specific life care planning course(s) or practice/preparatory materials.