CHLCP™ Recertification

Life Care Planning Certification for Healthcare Professionals

Certified Health Life Care Planner (CHLCP™)


The CHLCP™ certification is recognized for a period of five years, at which time the candidate must retake and pass the current Certified Health Professional Life Care Planner (CHLCP™) Portfolio Examination or meet such alternative requirements in effect at that time to retain certification.

See Continuing Education

Applications for Recertification, along with appropriate documentation supporting the completion of the Universal Life Care Planner Certification Board recertification criteria, must be submitted in accordance with the following: 

Completed application and recertification fees must be received no later than the first day of the month immediately preceding the expiration date on the certificate 

Continuing Education credits must be verified by the inclusion of a provider certificate of course completion that includes the: name and provider number of the course presenter, course title, course description, date, location, and number of course hours 

Candidate must have maintained active healthcare professional licensure, without restrictions, throughout the certification period of five years 

Candidates are responsible for the maintenance of their own continuing education file, including Certificates of Attendance/Course Completion and all documentation of continuing education units or points of credit for five (5) years from the date of their certification/recertification 

A total of 60 points of credit are needed every five (5) years for renewal. The Universal Life Care Planner Certification Board points of credit renewal system is designed to encourage professional development. The system affords the CHLCP™ the latitude to select from a variety of educational activities that meet both professional and personal needs as described in the following categories:

Category 1. Continuing Education Hours: One hour (60 minutes) of approved nursing/ medical/ healthcare continuing education pertaining to life care planning = 1 contact hour. Examples of courses that would be approved: Life care planning (SCI, TBI, prosthetics, amputations, burns, chronic pain), case management, medical/health, and nursing process.  Questions regarding applicability of a particular course can be resolved through submission of course outlines to the Certification Board for review/approval of contact hours 90 days prior to the application renewal deadline.

Category 2. Academic Credit: Verification of the twelve (12) academic semester credits of coursework related to life care planning. Course semester outlines should be submitted to the Certification Board for review/approval of points of credit 90 days prior to the renewal deadline.

Category 3. Presentations: Five (5) points of credit for each presentation, for which national or state approved continuing education has been granted to participants, for a maximum of 10 per five-year renewal period. Presentation outlines should be submitted to the Certification Board for review/approval of points of credit 90 days prior to the application for renewal.

Category 4. Publications or Research: Publications or research related to life care planning articles should be submitted to the Certification Board for review/approval of points of credit 90 days prior to the application renewal.

  • Publications:

Five (5) Points of credit will be awarded for one article published in a peer-reviewed journal related to life care planning. Certificant must be the author, or co-author.

Ten (10) Points of credit will be awarded for one chapter published in a peer-reviewed book related to life care planning. Certificant must be the author, co-author, editor, co-editor, or reviewer. 

  • Research: Forty (40) points of credit will be awarded for an institutional review board (IRB) research project, a completed dissertation, thesis, or graduate-level scholarly project related to nurse life care planning completed during the five (5) year certification period, for which the Certificant is clearly identified as one of the primary researchers/authors.

Category 5. Life Care Planning Membership Organization Executive Board/Committee Participation, Certification Board/Committee Participation: Ten (10) points of credit per year with documented or verified annual participation will be awarded.  Participation is defined as 85% participation on the committee.  The maximum points of credit that can be earned are 20 points in a five-year period.