Update from the ULCPCB™

News from the CNLCP® Certification Board
Published on September 26, 2016

Over the recent few months the Certified Nurse Life Care Planners Certification Board has made substantive changes to the process of attaining certification as follows:

On Demand Testing:

The CNLCP® Certification Board, in conjunction with Professional Testing Corporation (PTC), is now able to offer “on demand” testing to all Candidates eligible to take the CNLCP® exam.

This means no more waiting months for the next testing cycle! Testing times are, in fact, continuously available Monday thru Saturday, except for Nationally Recognized Holidays, at testing sites throughout the United States and Canada*.

* Candidates residing outside of the United States and Canada will need to contact PTC for available testing options

The process is as follows:

  • The Candidate will fill out the application and send it to PTC in New York (PTCNY)
  • The CNLCP® Certification Board Application Committee will review the application to determine if the Candidate meets the criteria to sit for the exam. If approved, PTCNY and the Candidate will be notified by the CNLCP® Application Committee
  • Upon notification of having met the eligibility criteria, the Candidate will need to schedule the exam with PTCNY; and, will have up to three months after their application is accepted to sit for the exam
  • PTCNY will provide the testing site information to the Candidate
  • The Candidate is afforded the opportunity to reschedule the date to sit for the exam, within the three-month window, without re-applying or paying an additional fee, by contacting PSI (the testing site company). If, however, the Candidate’s request for an alternate testing date is beyond the three-month period, an additional fee will be assessed
  • If the Candidate is not able to appear on the date they selected to sit for the exam, and has failed to notify the testing entity in advance, he/she will forfeit the testing fee and be required to submit a new application and pay the current application fee

The CNLCP® Certification Board has instituted a more flexible testing schedule in the hopes that it will facilitate testing in closer proximity to having completed course work towards achievement of certification.

The Board will continue to offer one paper and pencil exam each year that will be administered immediately following the AANLCP® Annual Conference.

New Certification Expiration Dates:

With implementation of “on-demand” testing, the CNLCP® Certification Board will be changing the Candidate’s expiration dates to two times per year. Those who test and/or re-certify January thru June will have a June 30th expiration date. Those who test and/or re-certify July thru December will have a December 31st expiration date.

The CNLCP® Certification Board Application Committee will systematically change the dates for currently certified CNLCP® nurses as they recertify.

Meanwhile, please continue to send in your recertification information in the month that it is current due. The new expiration dates will be adjusted in accord with the aforementioned twice per year dates noted above.

The CNLCP® Certification Board thanks you all for your continued support of CNLCP® Certification for Nurse Life Care Planners.

If you should have any questions regarding the content of this memo, please contact the Board Chairperson Jan Roughan, or send an email through the CNLCP® Certification Board Webpage at www.cnlcp.org.