
Update RE: CNLCP® Testing

Please note that as of June 1, 2024, applications for the CNLCP® multiple-choice certification examination will no longer be accepted as we are transitioning to a portfolio examination.  Development of the CNLCP® Portfolio Examination is underway, with an anticipated...

News from the CNLCP® Certification Board

News from the CNLCP® Certification Board

The CNLCP® Certification Board has updated their website.  Prospective Clients and/or Employers will now be able to locate a certified nurse life care planner (CNLCP®), as well as verify the status of their CNLCP® certification, through www.cnlcp.org. The information...

News from the CNLCP® Certification Board

Over the recent few months the Certified Nurse Life Care Planners Certification Board has made substantive changes to the process of attaining certification as follows: On Demand Testing: The CNLCP® Certification Board, in conjunction with Professional Testing...